Life has certainly changed drastically for us in the last year and as the days go on I find myself more and more in need of therapy.. so I'm choosing to find it here...in my words on a page...whatever they may be.
The flavor of the day...learning to stay home with a sick baby and pretend you're still working...
6:15am: fight to open my eyes and say good morning to my beautiful baby and gorgeous husbnd perched on the edge of the bed waiting for me to get up
6:30am drag self to couch with boppy pillow to feed baby - oh yes we're still breastfeeding (more to come on that later)
7:15 pray that husband will still and hold baby and talk to me for 10 minutes before he leaves and I am left to juggle alone, eat toast
8:30 feed baby again, watch CNN, horrified by Moussaoui trial, baby falls asleep in arms (bliss)
10am call crazy client to "transition" account to new agency, baby fussy, call collegue to arrange conference call
10:45 lose track of time, remember call while sitting in rocking chair, baby cranky
11:10 sit on call with nothing to say, give baby disclaimer as the call starts
12:00 talk to mom, complain about life, feel like crap, hang up and make soup
12:30 sing to baby, try to cajole,wonder if I can send at least one email
2:15 (can't remember what happened in between) Lay down with baby for nap, snuggles in under arm (bliss)
4:30 jump out of bed, baby continues to sleep like an angel, run around apt cleaning up for 6p showing
5:15 feed baby, feed dog (not at the same time)
5:45 strap on baby bjorn, dog on leash, meet husband for walk while broker shows apt
6:45 play with baby on bed, open presents from grandparents and great grandparents
7:30 try to feed baby unsuccessfully, prepare her for bed, IM with long distance friend, sit beside husband on couch with dueling laptops
8:30 think about if I should have toast or go to bed
First post, long day, who knows if I'm undertaking too much today - just need to get it out there, expelling my demons so to speak...
Maybe I can start to have a little fun with this madness...
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